Cromer Road Primary School






Year 6

We hope you all had a restful half term break! We have a fun half term to look forward to, with lots of exciting projects, themed weeks and a trip to London Docklands. We are starting our learning off by discovering the difference 500 years has made to London Docklands, which will then be followed by a trip to the museum and taking part in a workshop. In English we will be starting an adventure story, set during World War II - Pax, then reading about the life of Malala through her story: My story of standing up for girls’ rights.  As well as celebrating book week, there is also science week this half term. Our positive role model for this half term is Sky Brown, the children will learn more about her during early morning work and reading lessons.

For this half term, homework will consist of weekly spelling, maths, grammar and reading homework.  

Spelling - set on Monday, due the following Monday.

Maths - set on Tuesday, due on Friday.

Grammar - set on Friday, due on Tuesday.

Reading - set on Friday, due on Tuesday.  


Key dates:

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day (dress up as a book character)

Tuesday 11th March - Stay and Learn Session (Maths Reasoning)

Thursday 13th March - Trip to London Docklands Museum 

Tuesday 25th March - Parents Evening (in person)

Thursday 27th March - Parents Evening (online)

Friday 4th April - Last day of term (finish at 1:30pm)


If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher.

Mrs Pitchers & Mr Brecknell

Here are some beautiful tiles created within art lessons last half term. They were based on the artist William Morris.

The wonderful christmas doors!



Here are some lovely photos, whilst on the residential trip in the Isle of Wight. 




Meet the Teacher Information



Curriculum Letters



Homework Grids



Useful Year 6 Resources