Year 4
Dear Families,
Welcome back to Spring 1. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas/holiday period and happy new year to you all.
We have got some brilliant projects planned for this half term. These include a three week art project based on Sonja Delauney's art work - orphism. During this project, children will learn about the history of the artist and the origins of her work. They will get a chance to experiment with paint, mixing colours using the colour wheel for support and as well as create there own textile, sowing a pattern of their choice onto their final piece. Another project we have planned is a Computing day. The topic is photon editing and children will get the chance to create their own photos.
At the beginning of the Summer term, children will under go a government based multiplication test. It is imperative that the children start practicing their times tables as soon as possible. We will incorporate times table practice weekly during Maths lessons as well as provide homework on Sumdog. But we encourage parents to support children with practising at home. Furthermore, we have a added biweekly spelling practice on to Sumdog, which children will have 2 weeks to complete.
Below you’ll find the learning taking place over the next 6 weeks. You will also find the homework grid. Homework is now compulsory, so please encourage your child to complete some or all of the activities. You will find all the resources on the google classroom. Your children access this in class regularly so should be confident using it at home. Please don’t hesitate if you have any questions or queries to get in touch.
Important Dates
- Computing day - Wednesday 5th Feb.
Meet the Teacher Information
Copy of Year 4 Meet the teacher
download_for_offlineCopy of Year 4 Meet the teacher
Curriculum Letters
Yr4 Spring 1 Curriculum Letter
download_for_offlineYr4 Spring 1 Curriculum Letter
Homework Grids
Year 4 Homework Grid - Spring 1
download_for_offlineYear 4 Homework Grid - Spring 1
Useful Year 4 Resources
check list for parents
download_for_offlinecheck list for parents
- First100 High Frequency Words - Precursive download_for_offline
download_for_offlineFirst100 High Frequency Words - Precursive
- Year 3 and 4 Spellings download_for_offline
download_for_offlineYear 3 and 4 Spellings
- Year 4 Recommended Reading List docx download_for_offline
download_for_offlineYear 4 Recommended Reading List docx
- Year 4 2024 Adventure Residential Meeting download_for_offline
download_for_offlineYear 4 2024 Adventure Residential Meeting
- First100 High Frequency Words - Precursive download_for_offline
check list for parents
Year 4 Homework Grid - Spring 1
Yr4 Spring 1 Curriculum Letter