Cromer Road Primary School


Year 4



Dear Families,

Welcome back to Spring 2. We hope you had a wonderful half term and looking forward to an exciting term ahead of us. 

We have got some brilliant projects planned for this half term. We are kicking the term off with an R.E project based on Hinduism. We then have an exciting two week topic based on Sound in science, where children get to learn how sound is created through vibration by conducting a series of experiments. We will then start our topic in history based on the Romans, which we will be looking primarily at who they were, their life style, diet, hobbies etc. We will continue this into next term when we focus more on the geographical side of the Roman civilization and how they invaded and settled in cities all around the world. Lastly, we will be creating a 3D design of  packaging for our own Easter egg boxes within D+T.

At the beginning of the Summer term, children will under go a government based multiplication test. It is imperative that the children start practicing their times tables as soon as possible. We will incorporate times table practice weekly during Maths lessons as well as provide homework on Sumdog. But we encourage parents to support children with practising at home. Furthermore, we have a added biweekly spelling practice on to Sumdog, which children will have 2 weeks to complete.

Below you’ll find the learning taking place over the next 6 weeks. You will also find the homework grid. Homework is now compulsory, so please encourage your child to complete some or all of the activities. You will find all the resources on the google classroom. Your children access this in class regularly so should be confident using it at home. Please don’t hesitate if you have any questions or queries to get in touch. 

Important Dates

  • Computing day - Tues 25th March  
  • D + T day - Wed 2nd April
  • Parents evening - Tues 25th and Thurs 27th March 
Here are some pictures of from the year so far:
Pictures of children with the Mayor of Barnet, opening our schools new garden.
Pictures from our recent Art lesson's. We created a piece based on Orphism using a range of styles e.g paint, pencil, textile. 




Meet the Teacher Information

Curriculum Letters

Homework Grids


Useful Year 4 Resources