Cromer Road Primary School


Year 3


Dear Year 3, 

Welcome back. We hope that you all had an enjoyable half term break. This term we have lots of exciting projects, including The Ancient Egyptians and magnets and forces. 

This half term, we will be focusing on the school value of 'Kindness'. We encourage the children to care for each other and be considerate of others' feelings. 

Please find below our curriculum letter and the homework grid outlining the learning that will be taking place this term. 


Thank you,

Miss Carroll and Miss Rzesna

 Key Dates: 

  • Reading workshop - Thursday 6th March
  • Dress up day for World book day - Thursday 6th March
  • Egyptian workshop - Monday 31st March


Meet the Teacher Information

Curriculum Letters

Homework Grids


Useful Year 3 resources