Cromer Road Primary School


Dear Parents/Carers,


Hello and a warm welcome back to the second half of the term. This half term is going to be a very busy one, there are lots of exciting things to look forward to, including celebrating ‘World Book Day’ and a visit from a local Police Officer. 

Our topic is called ‘If You Go Down To The Woods Today’. The children will be learning about the first signs of spring, lifecycles, seeds, and growing plants and vegetables. As the weather turns mild, we look forward to spending more time in the outdoor environment, engaging in outdoor activities such as digging, planting, and sowing.

Please read our curriculum letter to gain a better understanding of the what your child will be learning the following in the seven areas of the early years curriculum:

Please note the following important dates for your child,


Important dates -

  * Travelling Book Fair - Wednesday 26th February - Monday 3rd March in Oak Room

    • Police Officer Visit - Tuesday 4th March
  • World Book Day - Thursday 6th March 
  • EYFS Maths Stay and Learn- Thursday 20th March 9am Reasoning & Problem Solving 
  • Reception Vision and Hearing Tests - Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th March
  • Parent Consultations - Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th March
  • End of term - School Finishes at 1.30pm Friday 4th April
  • ‘Secret Reader’ - Every Tuesday sign up at the door


Many thanks for your continued support.


 Kind regards


Miss Chandler and Mrs Lotfi









 Meet the Teacher 


Curriculum Letters

Phonics Workshop 




Useful Reception Resources  

 Number Blocks Website