Cromer Road Primary School




 A very warm welcome to Reception.  We were delighted to meet all the children last week for their settling in sessions. We were extremely impressed by how confidently and quickly they settled into class. Thank you, parents, for preparing them so well.  We look forward to having the children join us this week for their full-day sessions. We have a very busy half-term of learning planned ahead through our topic ' Magnificent Me'. 

Throughout our themed topic, the children will have the opportunity to talk about themselves, family and friends. They will begin to develop a sense of belonging, whilst recognising and celebrating the diversity in our school and local community.  They will have the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about transitioning through whole  class discussions as part of the Jigsaw PSHE topic 'Being in My World' sharing what they are looking forward to in Reception and any worries they may have.

We ask that you please read with your child on a daily basis as this precious experiences helps promote their early language and literacy skills as well as developing a love for reading. Please see the list core text books that we will be readin in class this half-term on the curriculum letter.

The children will explore the Cromer Road value this half-term, focusing on the value of  'Kindness', knowing we care for each other and are considerate of others' feelings.  They will begin to recognise these attributes in the learning environment during child-initiated and adult led learning.

Lastly, we will be holding a 'Meet the teacher' and 'Phonics' session on the 26th September in the main hall.

We look forward to working closely with you over the year and wish all families the very best as your child embarks on their school learning journey.  


Many thanks for your support.


 Kind regards,

 Miss Chandler and Mrs Lotfi


 Meet the Teacher 


Curriculum Letters

Phonics Workshop 




Useful Reception Resources  

 Number Blocks Website