Cromer Road Primary School


Dear Parents/Carers,


Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term. It was such a busy first half-term, with the children settling into their new school classes, making new friends, and beginning phonics. We are incredibly proud of all the children for settling in so quickly to their new school, daily routines and expectations. The half-term ahead looks even busier with our new topic, 'Let's Celebrate' where the children will be learning about the traditional different clebrations around this time of the year: Diwali, Christmas and Hanukkah. We will shortly begin rehearsals for the nativity play and we eagerly anticipate the harmonious chorus of songs being sung in the setting. Please read our curriculum letter, which fully explains what your child will be learning over the half-term. Lastly, please note the following important dates for your child.


Important dates -


* Odd Socks Day - Tuesday 12th November

* Non- Uniform Day - CRSA Thursday 21st November

* Winter Fair - Saturday 23rd November 1pm - 4pm

* Inset Day - Friday 29th November 

* Nativity Performance - Tuesday 10th December at 2pm and Thursday 12th Thursday at 9.15am 

* Christmas Jumper Day - Thursday 12th December 


Many thanks for your continued support.


Kind regards,


Miss Chandler and Mrs Lotfi









 Meet the Teacher 


Curriculum Letters

Phonics Workshop 




Useful Reception Resources  

 Number Blocks Website