Cromer Road Primary School

Our Wildlife Garden

In our school grounds, we now have a fantastic new secure Wildlife and Learning Garden area for our children and teachers to learn and enjoy.  The garden has been made possible through the hard work and determination of our CRSA and was officially opened by the Mayor of Barnet on 4th October 2024.  As a school, we understand the importance of outdoor learning, and this garden is a wonderful addition to our opportunities to increase this on site.  

The garden is inclusive and accessible and includes a fenced pond area, wildflower and meadow areas, seating, lifting logs (for minibeast finding), a secure shed with additional seating, tools and learning resources, wooden composting bays, two water butts for rainwater collection and four large raised beds for growing vegetables. So far we have enjoyed a bumper crop of a variety of tomatoes (and some courgettes), which many of the children enjoyed as a snack at break time, after school club and more were shared with our community.

The aims of this garden are many, including:

  • learning about the environment and nature and its importance to us all

  • creating greater biodiversity in our school grounds

  • onsite learning facility for different subjects such as Art, English, Maths, Geography as well as for Science for activities such as pond dipping, mini-beast hunts, bird watching, classification etc.

  • calm area for mindfulness activities or resting in nature to improve well-being

  • learning about sustainable growing and developing new gardening skills 

  • learning about climate change and steps we can take to help 


We look forward to developing this wonderful resource further with the support of our whole school community. If you would like to read more about the development of the Wildlife and Learning Garden and see updates, or find out how to get involved with the garden project please visit: