Cromer Road Primary School


Free math mathematics mathematical operations vector  At Cromer Road we provide children with a broad and balanced Maths curriculum which gives them the opportunity to develop fluency and problem solving skills. Learning is progressive moving through the concrete stage, using physical resources to support learning; to the pictorial stage, using drawn models and jottings and finally to the abstract stage, solving calculations and problem solving using prior knowledge. 


We follow the framework of the National Curriculum and use the White Rose scheme of work alongside the recommendations of the National Centre of Excellence in the Teaching of Mathmetics (NCETM) to deliver our maths lessons. 


Free math mathematics mathematical operations vector  Our Maths curriculum is progressive, building on children’s prior knowledge and allowing them to develop their Maths skills through a range of purposeful activities. Children have the opportunity to apply their number knowledge through reasoning based activities which show a deeper understanding. 


Key mathematical vocabulary is introduced at the start of each unit and through the sequence of lessons children start to use the identified vocabulary to discuss their learning. Children are encouraged to use this vocabulary when answering reasoning and problem solving questions. 


Free math mathematics mathematical operations vector  Explicit modelling of strategies is key to ensuring children are confident with their learning. Teachers and support staff will model step by step the processes children need to learn at the start of each lesson. These models are then displayed on Working Walls in the classroom for children to access during their independent activities.

Maths Overview and Key Vocabulary

 Calculation Policy