Cromer Road Primary School


The CRSA stands for Cromer Road School Association, other schools may refer to this as the PTA (Parent Teacher Association). The CRSA plays a vital part in the school community and as a registered charity we work to raise money to enhance the education and provide additional facilities for the children at Cromer Road School. As the Trustees are unable to plan and run all events, we need individuals or groups of parents to come forward with their ideas and to volunteer to help make events happen. You can speak to any of the Trustees if you would like to organise an event or email . All Cromer Road families and members of staff are part of the CRSA and are encouraged to take part in our events and volunteer when you are able to. All help is appreciated.

We have a Board of Trustees who oversee the running of the charity with official roles held for Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and a Governor. These positions are renewed annually in the Autumn term at the CRSA AGM and any parent/carer of a child at Cromer Road is able to nominate themselves to fill the chair, secretary or treasurer positions. Where more than one person is nominated, a vote will take place.

The Trustees for 2022/2023 are:

Co-chairs: Nikki Rice                  Email :  

                  Gemma Patten          Email:

Secretary: Katiuscia Spanu       Email :

Treasurer: Mine Mulcahy          Email:

Headteacher: Mrs O’Donnell    Email :

Governor: Ruth Ralhan              Email :


Pre-loved uniform

As well as fundraising, the CRSA collection donations of used school uniform for recycling which is available to all Cromer Road families for free. If you have any queries about uniform or would like to request pre-loved uniform, please email 

Registered charity number 1074964

Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram:

We are on Instagram as @cromer_road_school_association.

Website address: